Poor Meadow Fall Services
Complete Fall Clean Up Services
Leaf Removal
Is it time for your yard to receive a good fall cleaning? We offer fall yard cleanup services on-demand. If you need a reliable lawn care company that services to rake up debris and leaves, call us at (508) 350-9829.
Weeds are an unwanted grass based plant that could ruin a good lawn. They raise havoc in the cracks of your driveways and on your walkways. They’re a soar eye to your flower beds. Weeds have to be properly removed or treated.
Almost every lawn needs dethatching about once a year, or whenever the thatch reaches a thickness of about 1/2 inch. To check, just work your fingers into the grass and note the depth of the thatch layer. Dethatch cool-season grasses in fall, warm-season types in early spring.